Extract Changes - Batch

Lets you extract changes from all the documents in a particular folder (excl. subfolders).
The result is the same as running the Extract Changes command on the documents one by one.
The extract documents will automatically be saved in the folder you specify.

You should only turn on this option if the documents in the Source Folder you select were originally copies of the same document.

This option makes it possible to collect tracked changes and comments from different people in one document, thereby getting a better overview, even if the people have added the tracked changes and comments in individual copies of the original document

If you turn on this option, an extra document will be created and saved in the folder you select as the Save Folder.
The extra document will be named Collected Extract Documents.docx.

If more people have added tracked changes or comments to the same paragraph, those changes and comments will be listed in rows one after the other.
The result is the same as if you manually copy the rows from the individual extract documents, combine them into one table and sort that table by the Paragraph # in Source column.

The header in the extra document will be the same as in the individual extract documents.
The footer will include information about the number of documents from which the data is collected plus the path to the Save Folder.

Select the folder that contains the source documents to handle

Select the folder in which to save the extract documents
The extract document will include all the rows with tracked changes and comments from the individual extract documents, combined into one table and sorted by the Paragraph # in Source column.

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