DateTimePicker (dtp)

DateTimePicker - Allows the user to select a specific date and/or time.

This prompts the user for a date or time using a graphical calendar with scroll bars.
This control actually exists of two parts.
A label that displays the selected date and a popup calendar that allows the user to select a date.


Date Formats

Long Format can be different on different PCs and depends on the settings in the (Start > Control Panel > Regional and Language Options)
the default is "dd MMMM yyyy"

Short format default is "dd/mm/yyyy"

Time format default is HH:mm:ss

Getting the Value

string theDate; 
theDate = this.dtpMyDate.Value.ToString("dd/mm/yy");

Useful Code

If chbSaveDate.Checked = True Then 
dtpDateTimePicker.Text = App_RegDialogNewDocumentSaveDateValueRead()
dtpDateTimePicker.Value = New System.DateTime(2005, 1, 1)
dtpDateTimePicker.Value = System.DateTime.Now
dtpDateTimePicker.Value = System.DateTime.Now().AddDays(-1)
End If

If you want to initialise to todays date you do not need to instantiate a new variable.

dtpDateTimePicker.Value = System.DateTime.Now 

dtpDateTimePicker.MinDate = New DateTime(2000,6,24) 
dtpDateTimePicker.MaxDate = New DateTime(2000,6,24)
dtpDateTimePicker.CustomFormat = "MMMM dd yy"

Dim sdateformat As String
sdateformat = Me.dtpIssueDateLogged.Text

Always specify the actual "Date" at the end because otherwise the time will be included

dtpDateFrom.MaxDate = System.DateTime.Now().AddDays(-1).Date 
dtpDateTo.MaxDate = System.DateTime.Now().AddDays(-1).Date
'other code
dtpDateTo.Value = System.DateTime.Now().AddDays(-1).Date

Displaying the date, but setting a time

Me.dtpDate.Value = New System.DateTime(Me.dtpDate.Value.Year, Me.dtpDate.Value.Month, Me.dtpDate.Value.Day, CType("time value",Integer), CType("time value",Integer)) 


BackColor Overridden. Gets or sets a value indicating the background color of the DateTimePicker control.
BackgroundImage Overridden. Gets or sets the background image for the control.
BackgroundImageLayout Overridden. Gets or sets the layout of the background image of the DateTimePicker control.
CalendarFontGets or sets the font style applied to the calendar.
CalendarForeColorGets or sets the foreground color of the calendar.
CalendarMonthBackgroundGets or sets the background color of the calendar month.
CalendarTitleBackColorGets or sets the background color of the calendar title.
CalendarTitleForeColorGets or sets the foreground color of the calendar title.
CalendarTrailingForeColorGets or sets the foreground color of the calendar trailing dates.
CheckedGets or sets a value indicating whether the Value property has been set with a valid date/time value and the displayed value is able to be updated.
CustomFormatGets or sets the custom date/time format string.
DropDownAlignGets or sets the alignment of the drop-down calendar on the DateTimePicker control.
ForeColor Overridden. Gets or sets the foreground color of the DateTimePicker control.
FormatA DateTimePicker value that specifies if the format is Long, Short, Time or Custom. The default is Long.
MaxDateGets or sets the maximum date and time that can be selected in the control. Read Only indicating the maximum date supported
MaximumDateTime Gets the maximum date value allowed for the DateTimePicker control.
MinDateGets or sets the minimum date and time that can be selected in the control. Read Only indicating the minimum date supported
MinimumDateTime Gets the minimum date value allowed for the DateTimePicker control.
Padding Gets or sets the spacing between the contents of the DateTimePicker control and its edges.
PreferredHeight Gets the preferred height of the DateTimePicker control.
RightToLeftLayout Gets or sets whether the contents of the DateTimePicker are laid out from right to left.
ShowCheckboxDisplays a checkbox to the left of the date in the control. When the checkbox is selected the date/time can be updated. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a check box is displayed to the left of the selected date.
ShowUpDownGets or sets a value indicating whether a spin button control (also known as an up-down control) is used to adjust the date/time value.
TextReturns a String object that represents the selected date
ValueReturns a DateTime object that represents the selected date


CreateAccessibilityInstance Overridden. Creates a new accessibility object for the DateTimePicker control.
OnDropDown Raises the DropDown event.
ToString Overridden. Returns a string that represents the current DateTimePicker control.


BackColorChanged Occurs when the value of the BackColor property changes.
BackgroundImageChanged Occurs when the value of the BackgroundImage property changes.
BackgroundImageLayoutChanged Occurs when the value of the BackgroundImageLayout property changes.
CloseUpOccurs when the drop-down calendar is dismissed and disappears.
DoubleClick Occurs when the control is double-clicked.
DropDownOccurs when the drop-down calendar is shown.
FormatChanged Occurs when the Format property value has changed.
MouseClick Occurs when the control is clicked with the mouse.
MouseDoubleClick Occurs when the control is double-clicked with the mouse.
PaddingChanged Occurs when the value of the Padding property changes.
TextChanged Occurs when the value of the Text property changes.
ValueChangedOccurs when the Value property changes. (user selected a new date)

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