SplitContainer (spl)

SplitContainer - represents a control consisting of a moveable bar that divides a containers display area into two resizable panels.

Very common when creatin a treeview on the left and a listview on the right.

Added in .Net 2.0 (Visual Studio 2005)
Represents a splitter control that enables the user to resize docked controls
This replaces the previous Splitter control (link!!)

Represents a control consisting of a moveable bar that divides a containers display into two resizeable panels.
You can add controls to the two resizeable panels
It is possible to add other SplitContainer controls inside to create multiple resizeable areas
You can have horizontal and vertical (default) SplitContainers
This control belongs to the Layout category.

Me.SplContaner.FixedPanel = System.Windows.Forms.FixedPanel1.Panel 


IsSplitterFixedGets or sets a value indicating whether the splitter is fixed or moveable
Panel1Gets the left (or top) panel
Panel1CollapsedGets or sets a value determining whether the panel is collapsed or expanded
Panel1MinSizeGets or sets the minimum distance in pixels of the splitter from the left (or top)
Panel2Gets the right (or bottom) panel
Panel2CollapsedGets or sets a value determining whether the panel is collapsed or expanded
Panel2MinSizeGets or sets the minimum distance in pixels of the splitter from the right (or bottom)
SplitterDistanceGets or sets the location of the splitter in pixels from left to right (or top to bottom)
SplitterIncrementGets or sets the value representing the increment of the splitter in pixels
SplitterRectangleGets the size and location of the splitter relative to the SplitContainer
SplitterWidthGets or sets the size of the actual splitter

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