New Functions in 2021

Excel 2021 introduced 9 new worksheet functions.

FILTERReturns the array of data in a range that satisfies multiple conditions.
LETReturns the result of a formula that can use variables.
RANDARRAYReturns the array of random numbers between 0 and 1.
SEQUENCEReturns the array of sequential numbers.
SORTReturns the array of data in a range that has been sorted.
SORTBYReturns the array of data in a range that has been sorted based on the values in a corresponding range.
UNIQUEReturns the array of unique values in a list, table or cell range.
XLOOKUPReturns the value in the same row after finding a matching value in any column.
XMATCHReturns the position of a value in a list, table or cell range.
Returns the array of data in a range that satisfies multiple conditions.
Returns the result of a formula that can use variables.
Returns the array of random numbers between 0 and 1.
Returns the array of sequential numbers.
Returns the array of data in a range that has been sorted.
Returns the array of data in a range that has been sorted based on the values in a corresponding range.
Returns the array of unique values in a list, table or cell range.
Returns the value in the same row after finding a matching value in any column.
Returns the position of a value in a list, table or cell range.

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