Functions in 1997 (version 8.0)

332 built-in worksheet functions (237 + 95).
The Analysis ToolPak add-in contained 95 functions.

ABSThe absolute value or a number without its sign.
ACCRINT(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The accrued interest for a security that pays interest periodically.
ACCRINTM(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity.
ACOSThe arc-cosine of a number.
ACOSHThe hyperbolic arc-cosine of a number.
ADDRESSThe cell reference given a row and column number.
AMORDEGRC(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The depreciation of an asset in a single period (straight-line, implicit coefficient).
AMORLINC(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The depreciation of an asset in a single period (straight-line).
ANDThe logical AND for any number of arguments.
AREASThe number of areas in a cell range or reference.
ASC(Analysis ToolPak - Text) The text string converted from double byte to single byte characters.
ASINThe arc-sine of a number.
ASINHThe hyperbolic arc-sine of a number.
ATANThe arc-tangent of a number.
ATAN2The arc-tangent of the specified x and y co-ordinates.
ATANHThe hyperbolic arc-tangent of a number.
AVEDEVThe average deviation of the numbers in a list, table or cell range.
AVERAGEThe arithmetic mean of non blank cells in a list, table or cell range.
AVERAGEAThe arithmetic mean of non blank cells in a list, table or cell range (including logical values and text).
BESSELI(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The Bessel function evaluated for purely imaginary arguments.
BESSELJ(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The modified Bessel function represented by J(x).
BESSELK(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The modified Bessel function represented by K(x).
BESSELY(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The modified Bessel function represented by Y(x).
BETADIST(BETA.DIST) The cumulative probability function for a beta distribution (only cumulative).
BETAINV(BETA.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a beta distribution.
BIN2DEC(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from binary to decimal.
BIN2HEX(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from binary to hexadecimal.
BIN2OCT(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from binary to octal.
BINOMDIST(BINOM.DIST) The probability of getting a specific number of successes using a binomial distribution.
CALL(Removed in 2003) The specification for a function or command using a registration ID.
CEILING(CEILING.MATH) The number rounded up to the nearest integer or significant figure.
CELLThe text string indicating information about a cell.
CHARThe character with the corresponding ANSI/ASCII number.
CHIDIST(CHISQ.DIST.RT) The probability distribution function for a chi-squared distribution (right tailed) (no cumulative).
CHIINV(CHISQ.INV.RT) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a chi-squared distribution (right tailed).
CHITEST(CHISQ.TEST) The probability value from a chi-squared distribution.
CHOOSEThe value in a row (or column) based on an index number.
CLEANThe text string with all the non-printable characters removed.
CODEThe ANSI/ASCII number for the first character in a text string.
COLUMNThe column number of a cell reference.
COLUMNSThe number of columns in a cell range or reference.
COMBINThe number of combinations for a given number of items (without repetition).
COMPLEX(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The complex number given real and imaginary coefficients.
CONCATENATE(CONCAT) The text string that is a concatenation of several strings.
CONFIDENCE(CONFIDENCE.NORM) The confidence interval for a population mean.
CONVERT(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number in one measurement system converted to another.
CORRELThe correlation coefficient between two data sets.
COSThe cosine of a number.
COSHThe hyperbolic cosine of a number.
COUNTThe number of numerical values in a list, table or cell range.
COUNTAThe number of numerical values in a list, table or cell range (including logical values and text).
COUNTBLANKThe number of blank cells in a list, table or cell range.
COUNTIF(COUNTIFS) The number of numerical values in a range that satisfies one condition.
COUPDAYBS(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The number of days between the previous coupon date and the settlement date.
COUPDAYS(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The number of days between the coupon dates on either side of the settlement date.
COUPDAYSNC(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The number of days between the settlement date and the next coupon date.
COUPNCD(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The next coupon date after the settlement date.
COUPNUM(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The number of coupons between the settlement date and the maturity date.
COUPPCD(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The previous coupon date before the settlement date.
COVAR(COVARIANCE.P) The average of the products of deviations for each data point pair.
CRITBINOM(BINOM.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a binomial distribution (renamed).
CUMIPMT(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The cumulative interest paid on a loan between two dates.
CUMPRINC(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The cumulative principal paid on a loan between two dates.
DATEThe date as a date serial number given a year, month, day.
DATEDIF(Compatibility) The number of days, months or years between two dates.
DATEVALUEThe date serial number given a date in text format.
DAVERAGEThe arithmetic mean of non blank cells in a database column satisfying certain conditions.
DAYThe day as an integer given a date serial number.
DAYS360The number of days between two dates, based on 30 day months.
DBThe depreciation of an asset in a single period (declining balance method).
DCOUNTThe total number of non blank cells in a database column satisfying certain conditions.
DCOUNTAThe total number of non blank cells in a database column satisfying certain conditions (including logical values and text).
DDBThe depreciation of an asset in a single period (double or triple declining balance method).
DEC2BIN(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from decimal to binary.
DEC2HEX(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from decimal to hexadecimal.
DEC2OCT(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from decimal to octal.
DEGREESThe number of degrees given a number of radians.
DELTA(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The numerical value indicating if two numbers are equal.
DEVSQThe sum of the squared deviations from the mean.
DGETThe single value in a database column satisfying certain conditions.
DISC(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The interest rate (or discount rate) for a security held to maturity.
DMAXThe maximum value in a database column satisfying certain conditions.
DMINThe minimum value in a database column satisfying certain conditions.
DOLLARThe text string of a number with the dollar formatting $0,000.00.
DOLLARDE(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The dollar fraction expressed as a decimal.
DOLLARFR(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The dollar decimal expressed as a fraction.
DPRODUCTThe product of values in a database column satisfying certain conditions.
DSTDEVThe standard deviation of a database column satisfying certain conditions based on a sample.
DSTDEVPThe standard deviation of a database column satisfying certain conditions based on an entire population.
DSUMThe sum of values in a database column satisfying certain conditions.
DURATION(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The annual duration of a security that pays interest periodically.
DVARThe variance of a database column satisfying certain conditions based on a sample.
DVARPThe variance of a database column satisfying certain conditions based on an entire population.
EDATE(Analysis ToolPak - Date & Time) The date serial number that is a certain number of months before or after a date.
EFFECT(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The effective interest rate given a nominal interest rate and compounding frequency.
EOMONTH(Analysis ToolPak - Date & Time) The date serial number of the last day of a month before or after a date.
ERF(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The value of the error function integrated between two limits.
ERFC(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The complementary error function integrated between a limit and infinity.
ERROR.TYPEThe number corresponding to a particular error value in a cell.
EUROCONVERT(Euro Currency Add-in) The number converted to euros.
EVENThe number rounded up to the nearest even integer.
EXACTThe value True or False based on whether two strings match exactly.
EXPThe exponential number raised to a particular power.
EXPONDIST(EXPON.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for an exponential distribution.
FACTThe factorial of a positive whole number.
FACTDOUBLE(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The double factorial of a positive whole number.
FALSEThe logical value False.
FDIST(F.DIST) The probability distribution function for an f distribution (left tailed) (no cumulative).
FINDThe starting position of a substring within a larger text string.
FINV(F.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for an f distribution (left tailed).
FISHERThe fisher transformation.
FISHERINVThe inverse of the fisher transformation.
FIXEDThe text string of a number rounded to a fixed number of decimal places.
FLOOR(FLOOR.MATH) The number rounded down to the nearest integer or significant figure.
FORECAST(FORECAST.LINEAR) The future y-value along a linear trend using existing values.
FREQUENCYThe number of times a particular value occurs in a list, table or cell range.
FTEST(F.TEST) The probability value from an f distribution.
FVThe future value of a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals.
FVSCHEDULE(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The future value of an initial principal after applying compound interest rates.
GAMMADIST(GAMMA.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a gamma distribution.
GAMMAINV(GAMMA.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution for a gamma distribution.
GAMMALN(GAMMALN.PRECISE) The natural logarithm of the gamma function.
GCD(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The greatest common divisor of two or more numbers.
GEOMEANThe geometric mean of an array of numbers.
GESTEP(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The value True or False depending if the number is greater than a threshold value.
GETPIVOTDATAThe data obtained from a pivot table.
GROWTHThe predicted exponential growth using existing data.
HARMEANThe harmonic mean of a data set.
HEX2BIN(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from hexadecimal to binary.
HEX2DEC(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from hexadecimal to decimal.
HEX2OCT(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from hexadecimal to octal.
HLOOKUPThe value in the same column after finding a matching value in the first row.
HOURThe hour as an integer given a date serial number.
HYPERLINKThe hyperlink linked to a cell, document or webpage.
HYPGEOMDIST(HYPGEOM.DIST) The cumulative probability function for a hypergeometric distribution (only cumulative).
IFThe value based on whether a condition is True or False.
IMABS(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The absolute value of a complex number.
IMAGINARY(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The imaginary coefficient of a complex number.
IMARGUMENT(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The theta argument in radians.
IMCONJUGATE(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The complex conjugate of a complex number.
IMCOS(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The cosine of a complex number.
IMDIV(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The quotient of two complex numbers.
IMEXP(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The exponential of a complex number.
IMLN(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The natural logarithm of a complex number.
IMLOG10(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The base-10 logarithm of a complex number.
IMLOG2(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The base-2 logarithm of a complex number.
IMPOWER(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The complex number raised to an integer number.
IMPRODUCT(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The product of two or more complex numbers.
IMREAL(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The real coefficient of a complex number.
IMSIN(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The sine of a complex number.
IMSQRT(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The square root of a complex number.
IMSUB(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The difference of two complex numbers.
IMSUM(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The sum of two or more complex numbers.
INDEXThe value from a cell range which is the intersection of a row AND a column.
INDIRECTThe text string of the contents of a given cell reference.
INFOThe text string returning useful information about the environment.
INTThe number rounded down to the nearest integer.
INTERCEPTThe intersection with the y-axis using a linear regression plotted through known values.
INTRATE(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The interest rate for a security held to maturity.
IPMTThe interest amount paid on a given period on a loan with fixed interest.
IRRThe interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals (implicit reinvestment rate).
ISBLANKThe boolean True or False depending if the value is blank.
ISERRThe boolean True or False depending if the value is an error (not #N/A).
ISERRORThe boolean True or False depending if the value is an error.
ISEVEN(Analysis ToolPak - Information) The boolean True or False depending if the value is an even number.
ISLOGICALThe boolean True or False depending if the value is True or False.
ISNAThe boolean True or False depending if the value is #N/A.
ISNONTEXTThe boolean True or False depending if the value is non text.
ISNUMBERThe boolean True or False depending if the value is a number.
ISODD(Analysis ToolPak - Information) The boolean True or False depending if the value is an odd number.
ISPMT(IPMT) The interest paid for a given period in a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals (incorrectly).
ISREFThe boolean True or False depending if the value is a cell reference.
ISTEXTThe boolean True or False depending if the value is text.
KURTThe kurtosis for a list or array of numbers.
LARGEThe kth largest value in a list or array of numbers.
LCM(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The least common multiple of two or more numbers.
LEFTThe first or left most characters in a text string.
LENThe number of characters in a text string.
LINESTThe array of values for a straight line that best fits your data.
LNThe natural logarithm of a number.
LOGThe logarithm of a number to any base.
LOG10The logarithm of a number to the base 10.
LOGESTThe array of values for an exponential curve that best fits your data.
LOGINV(LOGNORM.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a lognormal distribution.
LOGNORMDIST(LOGNORM.DIST) The cumulative probability function for a lognormal distribution (only cumulative).
LOOKUPThe value in a row (or column) that matches a value in a column (or row).
LOWERThe text string with all the characters converted to lowercase.
MATCHThe position of a value in a list, table or cell range.
MAXThe largest value in a list or array of numbers.
MAXAThe largest value in a list or array of numbers (including logical values and text).
MDETERMThe matrix determinant of an array.
MDURATION(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The modified duration for a security that pays interest periodically.
MEDIANThe median value in a list or array of numbers.
MIDThe characters from the middle of a text string.
MINThe smallest value in a list or array of numbers.
MINAThe smallest value in a list or array of numbers (including logical values and text).
MINUTEThe minute as an integer given a date serial number.
MINVERSEThe inverse matrix of an array.
MIRRThe interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals (explicit reinvestment rate).
MMULTThe matrix product of two arrays.
MODThe remainder after division.
MODE(MODE.SNGL) The value that occurs most frequently in a list or array of numbers.
MONTHThe month as an integer given a date serial number.
MROUND(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The number rounded to the desired multiple.
MULTINOMIAL(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The multinomial of a set of numbers in a list or cell range.
NThe value converted to a number.
NAThe error value #N/A.
NEGBINOMDIST(NEGBINOM.DIST) The probability distribution function for a negative binomial distribution (no cumulative).
NETWORKDAYS(Analysis ToolPak - Date & Time) The total number of working days between two dates excluding weekends and holidays.
NOMINAL(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The nominal interest rate over a period given an annual interest rate.
NORMDIST(NORM.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a normal distribution.
NORMINV(NORM.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a normal distribution.
NORMSDIST(NORM.S.DIST) The probability distribution function for a standard normal distribution (no cumulative).
NORMSINV(NORM.S.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a standard normal distribution.
NOTThe opposite of a True or False value.
NOWThe date serial number of the current system date and time.
NPERThe number of periods for an investment.
NPVThe net present value of a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals.
OCT2BIN(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from octal to binary.
OCT2DEC(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from octal to decimal.
OCT2HEX(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from octal to hexadecimal.
ODDThe number rounded up to the nearest odd integer.
ODDFPRICE(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The price per $100 face value of a security with an odd first period.
ODDFYIELD(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The yield of a security with an odd first period.
ODDLPRICE(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The price per $100 face value of a security with an odd last period.
ODDLYIELD(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The yield of a security with an odd last period.
OFFSETThe value in a cell which is an offset from another cell.
ORThe logical OR for any number of arguments.
PEARSONThe pearson product moment correlation coefficient.
PERCENTILE(PERCENTILE.INC) The number corresponding to a particular percentage from an array of numbers (inclusive).
PERCENTRANK(PERCENTRANK.INC) The percentage rank of a value in an array of numbers (inclusive).
PERMUTThe number of permutations for a subset of objects or events.
PIThe number PI (3.141592).
PMT(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The full amount (principal + interest) paid every period on a loan with fixed interest.
POISSON(POISSON.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a poisson distribution.
POWERThe number raised to a given power.
PPMTThe principal amount paid on a given period on a loan with fixed interest.
PRICE(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The price of a security that pays periodic interest.
PRICEDISC(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The price of a discounted security (no interest payments).
PRICEMAT(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The price of a security that pays interest at maturity.
PROBThe probability that values in a range are between two limits.
PRODUCTThe product of all the numbers in a list or cell range.
PROPERThe text string with the first letter of every word as a capital letter.
PVThe present value of a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals.
QUARTILE(QUARTILE.INC) The quartile of a data set (inclusive).
QUOTIENT(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The integer portion after division.
RADIANSThe number of radians given the number of degrees.
RANDThe random number >=0 and <1.
RANDBETWEEN(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The random number between two specified numbers (inclusive).
RANK(RANK.EQ) The rank of a value in a list, table or cell range (in descending order) (equal ranking).
RATEThe interest rate for a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals.
RECEIVED(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The amount received at the end when a security is held to maturity.
REGISTER.ID(Removed in 2003) The result after running an Excel 4.0 Macro function.
REPLACEThe text string after replacing characters in a specific location.
REPTThe text string repeated a number of times.
RIGHTThe last or right most characters in a text string.
ROMANThe text string converting a binary number to a roman numeral.
ROUNDThe number rounded to a specified number of digits.
ROUNDDOWNThe number rounded down to the nearest integer.
ROUNDUPThe number rounded up to the nearest integer.
ROWThe row number of a cell reference.
ROWSThe number of rows in a cell range or reference.
RSQThe square of pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in known y's and known x's.
SEARCHThe starting position of a substring within a larger text string.
SECONDThe number of seconds as an integer given a date serial number.
SERIESSUM(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The sum of a power series based on a formula.
SIGNThe numerical value indicating if a number is positive or negative.
SINThe sine of a number.
SINHThe hyperbolic sine of a number.
SKEWThe number representing the skewness of a distribution based on a sample.
SLNThe depreciation of an asset in a single period (straight-line method).
SLOPEThe slope of a linear regression line through the given data points.
SMALLThe kth smallest value in a list or array of numbers.
SQL.REQUEST(Removed in 2003) The result after connecting to a data source and executes a SQL query.
SQRTThe positive square root of a number.
SQRTPI(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The square root of a number multiplied by PI.
STANDARDIZEThe normalized value from a distributed characterised by a mean and a standard deviation.
STDEV(STDEV.S) The standard deviation based on a sample.
STDEVAThe standard deviation based on a sample (including logical values and text).
STDEVP(STDEV.P) The standard deviation based on an entire population.
STDEVPAThe standard deviation based on an entire population (including logical values and text).
STEYXThe standard error of a regression.
SUBSTITUTEThe text string after replacing instances of a substring.
SUBTOTAL(AGGREGATE) The subtotal of values in a list, table or cell range (renamed).
SUMThe total value of the numbers in a list, table or cell range.
SUMIF(SUMIFS) The total value of the numbers that satisfies one condition.
SUMPRODUCTThe sum of the product of one or more arrays of values.
SUMSQThe sum of the squares of all the values in a list, table or cell range.
SUMX2MY2The sum of the difference of squares of corresponding values in two arrays.
SUMX2PY2The sum of the sum of squares of corresponding values in two arrays.
SUMXMY2The sum of squares of differences of corresponding values in two arrays.
SYDThe depreciation of an asset in a single period (sum-of-years digits method).
TThe text string of the value given.
TANThe tangent of a number.
TANHThe hyperbolic tangent of a number.
TBILLEQ(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The yield (bond-equivalent) for a treasury bill.
TBILLPRICE(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The price per $100 face value for a treasury bill.
TBILLYIELD(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The yield for a treasury bill.
TDIST(T.DIST.2T) The percentage points probability for the t distribution.
TEXTThe number as a formatted text string.
TIMEThe time as a decimal given an hour, minute, second.
TIMEVALUEThe time as a decimal given a time in text format.
TINV(T.INV.2T) The t-value of the distribution as a function of the probability and the degrees of freedom.
TODAYThe date serial number representing today's date.
TRANSPOSEThe array with its orientation changed.
TRENDThe y-values along a linear trend given a set of x-values.
TRIMThe text string with all extra spaces removed from the beginning, middle and end.
TRIMMEANThe mean of the interior of a data set.
TRUEThe logical value True.
TRUNCThe number with any decimal places removed.
TTEST(T.TEST) The probability value from a t distribution.
TYPEThe number indicating the data type of the value.
UPPERThe text string with all the characters converted to uppercase.
VALUE(NUMBERVALUE) The number that a text string represents (renamed).
VAR(VAR.S) The variance based on a sample.
VARAThe variance based on a sample (including logical values and text).
VARP(VAR.P) The variance based on an entire population.
VARPAThe variance based on an entire population (including logical values and text).
VDBThe depreciation of an asset in a single period (variable declining balance method).
VLOOKUPThe value in the same row after finding a matching value in the first column.
WEEKDAYThe day of the week for a given date.
WEEKNUM(Analysis ToolPak - Date & Time) The week number in the year for a given date.
WEIBULL(WEIBULL.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a weibull distribution.
WORKDAY(Analysis ToolPak - Date & Time) The date serial number that is a given number of working days before or after a date.
XIRR(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at irregular intervals (implicit reinvestment rate).
XNPV(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The net present value of a series of unequal cash flows at irregular intervals.
YEARThe year as an integer given a date serial number.
YEARFRAC(Analysis ToolPak - Date & Time) The number of years as a decimal between two dates.
YIELD(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The interest rate (annual) for a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals.
YIELDDISC(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The interest rate (annual) for a discounted security (no interest payments).
YIELDMAT(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The interest rate (annual) for a security that pays interest at maturity.
ZTEST(Z.TEST) The probability that the supplied hypothesized sample mean is greater than the mean of the supplied data values.
The absolute value or a number without its sign.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The accrued interest for a security that pays interest periodically.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity.
The arc-cosine of a number.
The hyperbolic arc-cosine of a number.
The cell reference given a row and column number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The depreciation of an asset in a single period (straight-line, implicit coefficient).
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The depreciation of an asset in a single period (straight-line).
The logical AND for any number of arguments.
The number of areas in a cell range or reference.
(Analysis ToolPak - Text) The text string converted from double byte to single byte characters.
The arc-sine of a number.
The hyperbolic arc-sine of a number.
The arc-tangent of a number.
The arc-tangent of the specified x and y co-ordinates.
The hyperbolic arc-tangent of a number.
The average deviation of the numbers in a list, table or cell range.
The arithmetic mean of non blank cells in a list, table or cell range.
The arithmetic mean of non blank cells in a list, table or cell range (including logical values and text).
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The Bessel function evaluated for purely imaginary arguments.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The modified Bessel function represented by J(x).
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The modified Bessel function represented by K(x).
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The modified Bessel function represented by Y(x).
(BETA.DIST) The cumulative probability function for a beta distribution (only cumulative).
(BETA.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a beta distribution.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from binary to decimal.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from binary to hexadecimal.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from binary to octal.
(BINOM.DIST) The probability of getting a specific number of successes using a binomial distribution.
(Removed in 2003) The specification for a function or command using a registration ID.
(CEILING.MATH) The number rounded up to the nearest integer or significant figure.
The text string indicating information about a cell.
The character with the corresponding ANSI/ASCII number.
(CHISQ.DIST.RT) The probability distribution function for a chi-squared distribution (right tailed) (no cumulative).
(CHISQ.INV.RT) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a chi-squared distribution (right tailed).
(CHISQ.TEST) The probability value from a chi-squared distribution.
The value in a row (or column) based on an index number.
The text string with all the non-printable characters removed.
The ANSI/ASCII number for the first character in a text string.
The column number of a cell reference.
The number of columns in a cell range or reference.
The number of combinations for a given number of items (without repetition).
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The complex number given real and imaginary coefficients.
(CONCAT) The text string that is a concatenation of several strings.
(CONFIDENCE.NORM) The confidence interval for a population mean.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number in one measurement system converted to another.
The correlation coefficient between two data sets.
The cosine of a number.
The hyperbolic cosine of a number.
The number of numerical values in a list, table or cell range.
The number of numerical values in a list, table or cell range (including logical values and text).
The number of blank cells in a list, table or cell range.
(COUNTIFS) The number of numerical values in a range that satisfies one condition.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The number of days between the previous coupon date and the settlement date.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The number of days between the coupon dates on either side of the settlement date.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The number of days between the settlement date and the next coupon date.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The next coupon date after the settlement date.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The number of coupons between the settlement date and the maturity date.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The previous coupon date before the settlement date.
(COVARIANCE.P) The average of the products of deviations for each data point pair.
(BINOM.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a binomial distribution (renamed).
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The cumulative interest paid on a loan between two dates.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The cumulative principal paid on a loan between two dates.
The date as a date serial number given a year, month, day.
(Compatibility) The number of days, months or years between two dates.
The date serial number given a date in text format.
The arithmetic mean of non blank cells in a database column satisfying certain conditions.
The day as an integer given a date serial number.
The number of days between two dates, based on 30 day months.
The depreciation of an asset in a single period (declining balance method).
The total number of non blank cells in a database column satisfying certain conditions.
The total number of non blank cells in a database column satisfying certain conditions (including logical values and text).
The depreciation of an asset in a single period (double or triple declining balance method).
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from decimal to binary.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from decimal to hexadecimal.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from decimal to octal.
The number of degrees given a number of radians.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The numerical value indicating if two numbers are equal.
The sum of the squared deviations from the mean.
The single value in a database column satisfying certain conditions.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The interest rate (or discount rate) for a security held to maturity.
The maximum value in a database column satisfying certain conditions.
The minimum value in a database column satisfying certain conditions.
The text string of a number with the dollar formatting $0,000.00.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The dollar fraction expressed as a decimal.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The dollar decimal expressed as a fraction.
The product of values in a database column satisfying certain conditions.
The standard deviation of a database column satisfying certain conditions based on a sample.
The standard deviation of a database column satisfying certain conditions based on an entire population.
The sum of values in a database column satisfying certain conditions.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The annual duration of a security that pays interest periodically.
The variance of a database column satisfying certain conditions based on a sample.
The variance of a database column satisfying certain conditions based on an entire population.
(Analysis ToolPak - Date & Time) The date serial number that is a certain number of months before or after a date.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The effective interest rate given a nominal interest rate and compounding frequency.
(Analysis ToolPak - Date & Time) The date serial number of the last day of a month before or after a date.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The value of the error function integrated between two limits.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The complementary error function integrated between a limit and infinity.
The number corresponding to a particular error value in a cell.
(Euro Currency Add-in) The number converted to euros.
The number rounded up to the nearest even integer.
The value True or False based on whether two strings match exactly.
The exponential number raised to a particular power.
(EXPON.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for an exponential distribution.
The factorial of a positive whole number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The double factorial of a positive whole number.
The logical value False.
(F.DIST) The probability distribution function for an f distribution (left tailed) (no cumulative).
The starting position of a substring within a larger text string.
(F.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for an f distribution (left tailed).
The fisher transformation.
The inverse of the fisher transformation.
The text string of a number rounded to a fixed number of decimal places.
(FLOOR.MATH) The number rounded down to the nearest integer or significant figure.
(FORECAST.LINEAR) The future y-value along a linear trend using existing values.
The number of times a particular value occurs in a list, table or cell range.
(F.TEST) The probability value from an f distribution.
The future value of a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The future value of an initial principal after applying compound interest rates.
(GAMMA.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a gamma distribution.
(GAMMA.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution for a gamma distribution.
(GAMMALN.PRECISE) The natural logarithm of the gamma function.
(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The greatest common divisor of two or more numbers.
The geometric mean of an array of numbers.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The value True or False depending if the number is greater than a threshold value.
The data obtained from a pivot table.
The predicted exponential growth using existing data.
The harmonic mean of a data set.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from hexadecimal to binary.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from hexadecimal to decimal.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from hexadecimal to octal.
The value in the same column after finding a matching value in the first row.
The hour as an integer given a date serial number.
The hyperlink linked to a cell, document or webpage.
(HYPGEOM.DIST) The cumulative probability function for a hypergeometric distribution (only cumulative).
The value based on whether a condition is True or False.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The absolute value of a complex number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The imaginary coefficient of a complex number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The theta argument in radians.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The complex conjugate of a complex number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The cosine of a complex number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The quotient of two complex numbers.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The exponential of a complex number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The natural logarithm of a complex number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The base-10 logarithm of a complex number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The base-2 logarithm of a complex number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The complex number raised to an integer number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The product of two or more complex numbers.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The real coefficient of a complex number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The sine of a complex number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The square root of a complex number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The difference of two complex numbers.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The sum of two or more complex numbers.
The value from a cell range which is the intersection of a row AND a column.
The text string of the contents of a given cell reference.
The text string returning useful information about the environment.
The number rounded down to the nearest integer.
The intersection with the y-axis using a linear regression plotted through known values.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The interest rate for a security held to maturity.
The interest amount paid on a given period on a loan with fixed interest.
The interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals (implicit reinvestment rate).
The boolean True or False depending if the value is blank.
The boolean True or False depending if the value is an error (not #N/A).
The boolean True or False depending if the value is an error.
(Analysis ToolPak - Information) The boolean True or False depending if the value is an even number.
The boolean True or False depending if the value is True or False.
The boolean True or False depending if the value is #N/A.
The boolean True or False depending if the value is non text.
The boolean True or False depending if the value is a number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Information) The boolean True or False depending if the value is an odd number.
(IPMT) The interest paid for a given period in a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals (incorrectly).
The boolean True or False depending if the value is a cell reference.
The boolean True or False depending if the value is text.
The kurtosis for a list or array of numbers.
The kth largest value in a list or array of numbers.
(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The least common multiple of two or more numbers.
The first or left most characters in a text string.
The number of characters in a text string.
The array of values for a straight line that best fits your data.
The natural logarithm of a number.
The logarithm of a number to any base.
The logarithm of a number to the base 10.
The array of values for an exponential curve that best fits your data.
(LOGNORM.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a lognormal distribution.
(LOGNORM.DIST) The cumulative probability function for a lognormal distribution (only cumulative).
The value in a row (or column) that matches a value in a column (or row).
The text string with all the characters converted to lowercase.
The position of a value in a list, table or cell range.
The largest value in a list or array of numbers.
The largest value in a list or array of numbers (including logical values and text).
The matrix determinant of an array.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The modified duration for a security that pays interest periodically.
The median value in a list or array of numbers.
The characters from the middle of a text string.
The smallest value in a list or array of numbers.
The smallest value in a list or array of numbers (including logical values and text).
The minute as an integer given a date serial number.
The inverse matrix of an array.
The interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals (explicit reinvestment rate).
The matrix product of two arrays.
The remainder after division.
(MODE.SNGL) The value that occurs most frequently in a list or array of numbers.
The month as an integer given a date serial number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The number rounded to the desired multiple.
(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The multinomial of a set of numbers in a list or cell range.
The value converted to a number.
The error value #N/A.
(NEGBINOM.DIST) The probability distribution function for a negative binomial distribution (no cumulative).
(Analysis ToolPak - Date & Time) The total number of working days between two dates excluding weekends and holidays.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The nominal interest rate over a period given an annual interest rate.
(NORM.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a normal distribution.
(NORM.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a normal distribution.
(NORM.S.DIST) The probability distribution function for a standard normal distribution (no cumulative).
(NORM.S.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a standard normal distribution.
The opposite of a True or False value.
The date serial number of the current system date and time.
The number of periods for an investment.
The net present value of a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from octal to binary.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from octal to decimal.
(Analysis ToolPak - Engineering) The number converted from octal to hexadecimal.
The number rounded up to the nearest odd integer.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The price per $100 face value of a security with an odd first period.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The yield of a security with an odd first period.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The price per $100 face value of a security with an odd last period.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The yield of a security with an odd last period.
The value in a cell which is an offset from another cell.
The logical OR for any number of arguments.
The pearson product moment correlation coefficient.
(PERCENTILE.INC) The number corresponding to a particular percentage from an array of numbers (inclusive).
(PERCENTRANK.INC) The percentage rank of a value in an array of numbers (inclusive).
The number of permutations for a subset of objects or events.
The number PI (3.141592).
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The full amount (principal + interest) paid every period on a loan with fixed interest.
(POISSON.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a poisson distribution.
The number raised to a given power.
The principal amount paid on a given period on a loan with fixed interest.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The price of a security that pays periodic interest.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The price of a discounted security (no interest payments).
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The price of a security that pays interest at maturity.
The probability that values in a range are between two limits.
The product of all the numbers in a list or cell range.
The text string with the first letter of every word as a capital letter.
The present value of a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals.
(QUARTILE.INC) The quartile of a data set (inclusive).
(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The integer portion after division.
The number of radians given the number of degrees.
The random number >=0 and <1.
(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The random number between two specified numbers (inclusive).
(RANK.EQ) The rank of a value in a list, table or cell range (in descending order) (equal ranking).
The interest rate for a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The amount received at the end when a security is held to maturity.
(Removed in 2003) The result after running an Excel 4.0 Macro function.
The text string after replacing characters in a specific location.
The text string repeated a number of times.
The last or right most characters in a text string.
The text string converting a binary number to a roman numeral.
The number rounded to a specified number of digits.
The number rounded down to the nearest integer.
The number rounded up to the nearest integer.
The row number of a cell reference.
The number of rows in a cell range or reference.
The square of pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in known y's and known x's.
The starting position of a substring within a larger text string.
The number of seconds as an integer given a date serial number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The sum of a power series based on a formula.
The numerical value indicating if a number is positive or negative.
The sine of a number.
The hyperbolic sine of a number.
The number representing the skewness of a distribution based on a sample.
The depreciation of an asset in a single period (straight-line method).
The slope of a linear regression line through the given data points.
The kth smallest value in a list or array of numbers.
(Removed in 2003) The result after connecting to a data source and executes a SQL query.
The positive square root of a number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Maths & Trigonometry) The square root of a number multiplied by PI.
The normalized value from a distributed characterised by a mean and a standard deviation.
(STDEV.S) The standard deviation based on a sample.
The standard deviation based on a sample (including logical values and text).
(STDEV.P) The standard deviation based on an entire population.
The standard deviation based on an entire population (including logical values and text).
The standard error of a regression.
The text string after replacing instances of a substring.
(AGGREGATE) The subtotal of values in a list, table or cell range (renamed).
The total value of the numbers in a list, table or cell range.
(SUMIFS) The total value of the numbers that satisfies one condition.
The sum of the product of one or more arrays of values.
The sum of the squares of all the values in a list, table or cell range.
The sum of the difference of squares of corresponding values in two arrays.
The sum of the sum of squares of corresponding values in two arrays.
The sum of squares of differences of corresponding values in two arrays.
The depreciation of an asset in a single period (sum-of-years digits method).
The text string of the value given.
The tangent of a number.
The hyperbolic tangent of a number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The yield (bond-equivalent) for a treasury bill.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The price per $100 face value for a treasury bill.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The yield for a treasury bill.
(T.DIST.2T) The percentage points probability for the t distribution.
The number as a formatted text string.
The time as a decimal given an hour, minute, second.
The time as a decimal given a time in text format.
(T.INV.2T) The t-value of the distribution as a function of the probability and the degrees of freedom.
The date serial number representing today's date.
The array with its orientation changed.
The y-values along a linear trend given a set of x-values.
The text string with all extra spaces removed from the beginning, middle and end.
The mean of the interior of a data set.
The logical value True.
The number with any decimal places removed.
(T.TEST) The probability value from a t distribution.
The number indicating the data type of the value.
The text string with all the characters converted to uppercase.
(NUMBERVALUE) The number that a text string represents (renamed).
(VAR.S) The variance based on a sample.
The variance based on a sample (including logical values and text).
(VAR.P) The variance based on an entire population.
The variance based on an entire population (including logical values and text).
The depreciation of an asset in a single period (variable declining balance method).
The value in the same row after finding a matching value in the first column.
The day of the week for a given date.
(Analysis ToolPak - Date & Time) The week number in the year for a given date.
(WEIBULL.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a weibull distribution.
(Analysis ToolPak - Date & Time) The date serial number that is a given number of working days before or after a date.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at irregular intervals (implicit reinvestment rate).
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The net present value of a series of unequal cash flows at irregular intervals.
The year as an integer given a date serial number.
(Analysis ToolPak - Date & Time) The number of years as a decimal between two dates.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The interest rate (annual) for a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals.
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The interest rate (annual) for a discounted security (no interest payments).
(Analysis ToolPak - Financial) The interest rate (annual) for a security that pays interest at maturity.
(Z.TEST) The probability that the supplied hypothesized sample mean is greater than the mean of the supplied data values.

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