Version 9.0

Some commands have been renamed and there are some additional ones as well.

Tracked Changes

Track Changes - (Built-in). Toggle track changes in the active document (Ctrl + Shift + E).
   For Everyone - Built-in.
   Just Mine - Built-in.
   Lock Tracking - Built-in. Use a password to discourage others from turning off track changes.
Display Options - Built-in.
   Insertions and Deletions - Built-in.
   Formatting - Built-in.
   Balloons - Built-in. You can show revisions as ballons
   Specific People - Built-in.
   Highlight Updates - Built-in.
   Other Authors - Built-in.
   Reviewing Pane Vertical - Built-in.
   Change Tracking Options - Built-in.
   Simple/All/No Markup - Built-in. Toggle the
   Original Doc - Built-in. Toggle the
Change Author/Date - more

Extract Changes

Active Document - Lets you more (previously called "Extract Changes")
From Folder - Lets you more (previously called "Batch Extract Changes")
Layout Settings - Displays the Personal Layout Settings dialog box. more

Compare Versions

Compare Docs - (Built-in).
   Compare - (Built-in)
   Combine - (Built-in)
   Show Source Documents - (Built-in)
Extract Differences - more (previously called "Compare Two Documents")
Compare Batch - Drop-Down. more (previously called "Batch Compare Documents")
   Against an Entire Folder -
   Create File List -
   Create File List from Folder -
   Against File List -

Extract Documents

Export to Excel - more
Sort Table - (Built-in) Sort the table in extract documents using different sort criteria.
Delete Columns - more
Change Path - more
Find Paragraph - more


Translation Tools - Drop-Down. more
   Extract Changes -
   Accept All Changes -
   Show/Hide Hidden Text -
View -
   View Extract/ Source Side by Side - more
   View Side by Side - (Built-in) View two documents side by side so that you can compare their contents. You can select any documents.
   Synchronous Scrolling - (Built-in) Synchronize the scrolling of two documents so that they scroll together. To enable this feature, turn on View Side by Side.
   Reset Window Position - (Built-in) Reset the window position of the documents being viewed side by side so that they share the screen equally. To enable this feature, turn on View Side by Side.


Help - Opens a User's Guide in PDF format with detailed help and tips on how the use DocTools ExtractChanges Pro.

Compare Documents

This will now run when there are not documents open.

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