Returns the cell contents with all the characters in a random order.
* For instructions on how to add a function to a workbook refer to the page under Inserting Functions
* The equivalent JavaScript function is SCRAMBLE
'sCellContents - The number or text you want to scramble.
Public Function SCRAMBLE(sCellContents As String) As String
Dim itextlength As Integer
Dim ichar As Integer
Dim irandomposition As Integer
Dim scharacter As String * 1
itextlength = Len(sCellContents)
For ichar = 1 To itextlength
scharacter = VBA.Mid(sCellContents, ichar, 1)
irandomposition = VBA.Int((itextlength - 1 + 1) * VBA.Rnd + 1)
Mid(sCellContents, ichar, 1) = VBA.Mid(sCellContents, irandomposition, 1)
Mid(sCellContents, irandomposition, 1) = scharacter
Next ichar
SCRAMBLE = sCellContents
End Function
You can use the RANDOMNUMBER function to return a random number between two bounds.
This user defined function is called "RANDOM" in the ASAP add-in.
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