Counts number of values between value1 and value2


* The values can be numbers or dates.
* For instructions on how to add a function to a workbook refer to the page under Inserting Functions
* The equivalent JavaScript function is COUNTBETWEEN

Public Function COUNTBETWEEN( _ 
   ByVal rgeValue As Range, _
   ByVal min_Value As Single, _
   ByVal max_value As Single, _
   Optional ByVal bInclusive As Boolean = True) As Variant

Dim objcell As Range
Dim itotalcells As Integer

    itotalcells = 0
    If (rgeValue.Cells.Count > 10000) Then
       COUNTBETWEEN = "no column references"
       Exit Function
    End If
    If (bInclusive = True) Then
      For Each objcell In rgeValue
         If (objcell.Value >= min_Value) And (objcell.Value <= max_value) Then
            itotalcells = itotalcells + 1
         End If
      Next objcell
    End If
    If (bInclusive = False) Then
      For Each objcell In rgeValue
         If (objcell.Value > min_Value) And (objcell.Value < max_value) Then
            itotalcells = itotalcells + 1
         End If
      Next objcell
    End If
    COUNTBETWEEN = itotalcells
End Function

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