Summary Functions

Field Calculations

If the data area contains numerical values then the SUM() function is used by default
If the data area contains non numerical values then the COUNT() function is used.
What are the options ?
You can specify which fields to include and the type of calculations used on those fields.

For each combination of values in the row and column fields, the data field takes on a different value and this value appears in the data area.

Default Calculations

It is possible to use other function in order to summarise your data.
There are actually a choice of eleven different aggregate functions that can be used in your pivot table.

SUMThis is the default function used when the data area contains numeric values. The total value of the numbers in a list or cell range.
COUNTThis is the default function used when the data area contains non numeric values. The number of numeric values in a list or array of numbers.
COUNTACount Nums The number of non blank cells in a list or cell range.
AVERAGEThe arithmetic mean of a list or array of numbers.
MAXThe largest value in a list or array of numbers.
MINThe smallest value in a list or array of numbers.
PRODUCTThe product of all the numbers in a list or cell range.
STDDEVThe standard deviation based on a sample.
STDDEVPThe standard deviation based on an entire population.
VARThe compound variance based on a sample.
VARPThe variance based on an entire population.

When you change the function, the Data area will reflect the changes automatically.
It is possible to customise the selected function by adding some calculation options on the pivot table field dialog box.
In addition to the eleven functions that are provide by default you can also create your own custom calculations.

Custom Calculations

There are also a large number of custom calculations which you can use including running totals and item percentages.

Some of these calculations require a field to use as well as the value for the field.
To apply a custom calculation (PivotTable > Field Settings) "Options".

When you select a member of the Base Field, the corresponding items will automatically be displayed in the Base Item.

Difference FromCalculates the difference between two cells.
% ofCalculates the percentage of a cell to a selected base value.
% Difference FromCalculates the difference between two cell values.
Running Total inCalculates and displays the running total in each cell.
% of rowCalculates the percentage of the cell value to the total row.
% of columnCalculates the percentage of the cell value to the total column.
% of totalCalculates the percentage of the value of the grand total.
IndexCalculates the index value of the cell value.


You also have the option of creating your own calculated fields and items.

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