C# Programming |
Cable |
Cable - FX |
CAC (Collective Action Clauses) |
CAD (Capital Adequacy Directives) |
CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) |
Calculus |
Calculus - Differentiation |
Calculus - Integration |
Calculus - Tensor |
Calculus - Time Scale |
Calculus of Infinitesimals |
Calculus of Moving Surfaces |
Calculus of Variations |
Calendar Spread |
Calendar Spread - Options |
Calendars - Universally Accepted |
Calibration - Callable Bonds |
Calibration - Swaptions |
Calibration - Using Treasuries |
Calibration Techniques |
Call Bonds |
Call Date |
Call Expiry Payoff |
Call Feature |
Call Ladder |
Call Money |
Call Option |
Call Premium |
Call Protection |
Call Protection - Bonds |
Call Provisions |
Call Risk |
Call Schedule |
Call Spread |
Callable Bonds |
Callable Capped Floaters |
Callable Credit Products |
Callable Inverse Floaters |
Callable Range Accrual Notes |
Callable Swaps |
Calls |
Cancelable Forward |
Cancelable Swap |
Cantor Set |
Cap |
Cap Rate |
Capacity - How We Measure Volume |
Capacity - Litres |
Capacity - Millimeters |
Capacity vs Volume |
Capco |
Cap-Floor Parity |
Capital |
Capital Adequacy |
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) |
Capital At Risk (CAR) |
Capital Charges |
Capital Gain |
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) |
Capital Gross Bond |
Capital Growth Bond |
Capital IQ |
Capital Markets |
Capital Protection |
Capital Ratio |
Capital Requirements Directive |
Capital Returns |
Capital Valuation Adjustment (KVA) |
Capital Yield |
Capitalisation |
Capitalisation Factor |
Capitalisation Issue |
Caplet |
CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) |
Capped Equity Linked Notes |
Capped FRN |
Capped Swap |
Caps - Bonds |
Caps - Interest Rate |
Caps - Options |
Captions |
CAR (Capital At Risk) |
Cardinal Numbers |
Carr Geman Maden Yor (CGMY) |
Carry Trade |
Cartesian Coordinates |
Cartesian Geometry |
Cartesian Graph |
Cartesian Plane |
Cartesian Product |
Cash - Collateral |
Cash - Settled |
Cash - Unsettled |
Cash and Carry Arbitrage |
Cash and Carry Pricing |
Cash Bonds |
Cash Borrowing |
Cash CDOs |
Cash Equities |
Cash Flow (CF) |
Cash Flow Adjusted Approach (CFAA) |
Cash Flow Analysis |
Cash Flow Forecasting |
Cash Flow Hedge |
Cash Flow Mapping |
Cash Flow Matching Strategies |
Cash Flow Waterfall |
Cash Index |
Cash Investment |
Cash Karp Runge-Kutta |
Cash Market |
Cash Market Instruments |
Cash Money Market Rate |
Cash Money Markets |
Cash Or Nothing Call Option |
Cash Or Nothing Put Option |
Cash Ratio |
Cash Settlement |
Cash Waterfalls |
Cashflow Available for Debt Service (CFADS) |
Cashflows |
Cashflows - Discounting |
Cashflows - Present Value |
CAT Bond |
Catastrophe Theory |
Categorical Logic |
Categorical Variables |
Category Theory |
Cauchy Distribution |
CBO (Collateralised Bond Obligation) |
CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange) |
CBOT (Chicago Board of Trade) |
CCBS (Cross Currency Basis Swaps) |
CCIRS - Currency Swap |
CCM (Central Counterparty Model) |
CCP (Central CounterParty) |
CCR (Counterparty Credit Risk) |
CD (Certificate of Deposit) |
CD Yields |
CDO - Loans |
CDO - Mortgages |
CDO (Collaterised Debt Obligation) |
CDO Managed |
CDO Squared |
CDO Static |
CDO Structuring |
CDO Synthetic |
CDO2 |
CDS - Auction |
CDS - Basis |
CDS - Credit Spread |
CDS - Index |
CDS - Itraxx Index |
CDS - Loan Insurance |
CDS - Option |
CDS - Protection Buyer |
CDS - Red Code |
CDS - Reference Name |
CDS - Roll |
CDS - Single Name |
CDS - Spread |
CDS - Tenors |
CDS - Tranches |
CDS (Credit Default Swap) |
CDS Index |
CDX - Credit Index |
Ceiling |
Census |
Central (Clearing) Counterparty (CCP) |
Central Bank |
Central Clearing |
Central CounterParty (CCP) |
Central Difference |
Central Limit Theorem |
Central Securities Depository (CSD) |
Central Tendency |
Central Tendency - Geometric Mean |
Central Tendency - Harmonic Mean |
Central Tendency - Mean |
Central Tendency - Median |
Central Tendency - Midrange |
Central Tendency - Mode |
Central Tendency - Weighted Average |
CEQ (Certain Equivalent) |
Certain Equivalent (CEQ) |
Certificate of Deposit (CD) |
Certificates of Participation |
Cetegorical Variable |
CEV (Constant Elasticity of Variance) |
CF (Cash Flow) |
CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) |
CFA Exam / Certificate |
CFAA (Cash Flow Adjusted Approach) |
CFADS (Cashflow Available for Debt Service) |
CFD (Contracts For Differences) |
CFR (Constant Forward Rate) |
CGMY (Carr Geman Maden Yor) |
CGT (Capital Gains Tax) |
Chain Rule |
Chaining |
Change in Price = Price Volatility |
Change of Numeraire |
Chaos Theory |
CHAPS Transfer |
Character Theory |
Charles River |
Charm - Greeks |
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) |
Charting |
Cheapest To Deliver (CTD) |
Cheapest To Deliver Bond |
Cheapest To Deliver Curve (CTD Curve) |
Chemistry FAQs |
Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) |
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) |
Chicago Mercentile Exchange (CME) |
Chinese Wall |
Chi-Squared - Complex with spaces |
Chi-Squared - Goodness of Fit Test |
Chi-Squared Distribution |
Chi-Squared Distribution - Complex |
Chi-Squared Distribution - Fit Test |
Chi-Squared Distribution - One Sample |
Chi-Squared Distribution - Simple |
Chi-Squared Distribution - Statistic |
Chi-Squared Test |
Chi-Squared Test for Homogeneity |
Chi-Squared Test for Independence |
Cholesky Matrix |
Chooser Options |
CIR (Cox Ingersoll Ross) Model |
Circumference - Circle |
CIRS - Currency Swap |
Class Field Theory |
Classic Repos |
Classical Algebraic Topology |
Classical Analysis |
Classical Analytic Number Theory |
Classical Differential Calculus |
Classical Differential Geometry |
Classical Diophantine Geometry |
Classical Euclidean Geometry |
Classical Geometry |
Classical Invariant Theory |
Classical Mathematics |
Classical Projective Geometry |
Classical Tensor Calculus |
Classification - Distressed |
Classification - High Grade |
Classification - High Yield |
Clean Deposit |
Clean Price |
Clearing Banks |
Clearing House |
Clearing House Automated Payment System |
Clearing House Interbank Payment System |
Clearing Margin |
Clearing Systems |
Client Services |
Clifford Analysis |
Clifford Theory |
Cliquet Options |
CLN (Credit Linked Note) |
CLO (Collaterised Loan Obligations) |
Clockwise |
Close Out and Repricing - Repos |
Close Out Netting |
Closed Form Formula |
Closed Funds |
Closing Out |
CLS (Continuous Linked Settlement) |
Cluster |
Cluster Sampling |
CME (Chicago Mercentile Exchange) |
CMM (Constant Maturity Mortgages) |
CMO (Collaterised Mortgage Obligations) |
CMS (Constant Maturity Swap) |
CMT (Constant Maturity Treasury) |
Cobordism Theory |
Coco Bonds |
Coefficient of Determination |
Coefficient of Rank Correlation |
Coefficient of Variation |
Coherent Allocation Theory |
Cohomology Theory |
Collar |
Collar - Interest Rates |
Collar Option |
Collar Swap |
Collars - Options |
Collateral |
Collateral Choice Discount |
Collateral Management |
Collateral Valuation Funding (COLVA) |
Collateralised |
Collateralised Bond Obligation (CBO) |
Collateralised Bond Obligation Squared |
Collateralised Debt Obligation (CDO) |
Collateralised Loan Obligations (CLO) |
Collateralised Mortgage Obligations (CMO) |
Colour - Greeks |
Column Vector |
COLVA (Collateral Valuation Funding) |
Com Dividend |
Combinations |
Combinatorial Analysis |
Combinatorial Commutative Algebra |
Combinatorial Design Theory |
Combinatorial Game Theory |
Combinatorial Geometry |
Combinatorial Group Theory |
Combinatorial Mathematics |
Combinatorial Number Theory |
Combinatorial Set Theory |
Combinatorial Theory |
Combinatorial Topology |
Combinatorics |
COMEX - Exchange |
Commercial Banking |
Commercial Bills |
Commercial Debt |
Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities |
Commerical Loans |
Commerical Paper (CP) |
Commission Brokers |
Committed Facilities |
Commodities |
Commodities - Agricultural |
Commodities - Aluminium |
Commodities - Aluminium Allow Cash |
Commodities - Aluminium Cash |
Commodities - Backwardation |
Commodities - Base Metals |
Commodities - Brent Crude |
Commodities - Coal |
Commodities - Cocoa |
Commodities - Coffee |
Commodities - Contango |
Commodities - Convenience Yield |
Commodities - Copper |
Commodities - Copper Cash |
Commodities - Corn |
Commodities - Cotton |
Commodities - Crude Oil |
Commodities - Emissions |
Commodities - Exchange For Physical |
Commodities - Farms and Fishery |
Commodities - Feed Wheat |
Commodities - Forward Pricing |
Commodities - Forwards |
Commodities - Freight |
Commodities - Futures |
Commodities - Futures Schedule |
Commodities - Gasoline |
Commodities - Gold |
Commodities - Grains and Cereals |
Commodities - Heating Oil |
Commodities - Industrial Metals |
Commodities - Krugerrand Coins |
Commodities - Lead Cash |
Commodities - Lean Hogs |
Commodities - Live Cattle |
Commodities - Natural Gas |
Commodities - Nickel |
Commodities - Nickel Cash |
Commodities - Oil |
Commodities - Options |
Commodities - Palladium |
Commodities - Platinum |
Commodities - Power and Gas |
Commodities - Precious Metals |
Commodities - Questions |
Commodities - Rare Metals |
Commodities - Roll Period |
Commodities - Silver |
Commodities - Soybean Oil |
Commodities - Soybeans |
Commodities - Spot |
Commodities - Sugar |
Commodities - Swaps |
Commodities - Tin Cash |
Commodities - Unleaded Gas |
Commodities - Wheat |
Commodities - WTI Crude Oil |
Commodities - Zinc |
Commodities - Zinc Cash |
Commodity |
Commodity Curve |
Commodity Derivatives |
Commodity Forward |
Commodity Forward Strip |
Commodity Futures |
Commodity Futures Trading Commission |
Commodity Index |
Commodity Index - DJUBS |
Commodity Index - RICI |
Commodity Index - S&P GSCI |
Commodity Option Strip |
Commodity Options |
Commodity Price Term Structure |
Commodity Swaps |
Common Equity |
Common Shares |
Common Stock |
Commutative Algebra |
Companies |
Company Accounts |
Comparable Bonds |
Comparative Advantage |
Comparative Sector |
Compensation Payment |
Competitive Exposure |
Complement |
Completely Randomized Design |
Complex Algebra |
Complex Algebraic Geometry |
Complex Analysis |
Complex Analytic Dynamics |
Complex Analytic Geometry |
Complex Chi-Square |
Complex Differential Geometry |
Complex Dynamics |
Complex Geometry |
Complex Numbers |
Complex Power Duals |
Complexity Theory |
Compliance |
Compliance Dept |
Composite Number |
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) |
Compound Interest |
Compound Options |
Compound Probability |
Compounded Interest |
Compounded Interest - Continuous |
Compounded Interest - Discrete |
Compounded Interest - EFFECT Function |
Compounded Interest - FVSCHEDULE Function |
Compounding Frequencies - Interest Rates |
Compounding Frequency |
Compounding Periods |
Compounding Swap |
Computability Theory |
Computable Analysis |
Computable Model Theory |
Computational Algebraic Geometry |
Computational Complexity Theory |
Computational Geometry |
Computational Group Theory |
Computational Mathematics |
Computational Mechanics |
Computational Number Theory |
Computational Real Algebraic Geometry |
Computational Synthetic Geometry |
Computational Topology |
Computer Algebra |
Concentration Risk |
Concert Party |
Concrete Mathematics |
Conditional Distribution |
Conditional Expectation |
Conditional Frequency |
Conditional Probability |
Conditional Repayment Rate (CRR) |
Conditioning |
Condor |
Condor Spread |
Confidence |
Confidence Interval |
Confidence Level |
Confidence Limits |
Confirmation |
Conformal Geometry |
Confounding |
Consol Bonds |
Consolidation |
Constant Elasticity of Variance Model |
Constant Forward Rate (CFR) |
Constant Maturity Derivatives |
Constant Maturity Mortgages (CMM) |
Constant Maturity Swap (CMS) |
Constant Maturity Treasury (CMT) |
Constant Maturity Treasury Swap |
Constant Prepayment Rate (CPR) |
Constants Repayments |
Constrained Frontier Portfolios |
Constructive Analysis |
Constructive Function Theory |
Constructive Mathematics |
Constructive Quantum Field Theory |
Constructive Set Theory |
Consumer Prices Index (CPI) |
Consumption Asset |
Contact Geometry |
Contango |
Contango Curves |
Contingency Coefficients |
Contingency Table |
Contingent Claim |
Contingent Claim - Caps |
Contingent Claim - Options |
Contingent Claim - Swaptions |
Contingent Options |
Contingent Premium |
Contingent Swap |
Continuity |
Continuous - Black Scholes |
Continuous - Differential Equations |
Continuous Compounding |
Continuous Compounding Interest |
Continuous Cumulative Function |
Continuous Cumulative Probability Function |
Continuous Distribution Functions |
Continuous Dividend Yield |
Continuous Dividends |
Continuous Function |
Continuous Linked Settlement (CLS) |
Continuous Numbers |
Continuous Probability Distribution |
Continuous Probability Function |
Continuous Random Walk |
Continuous Time Limits |
Continuous Variables |
Contract Classes |
Contract Date |
Contract Rate |
Contracts For Differences (CFD) |
Contractual Covered Bond |
Contractual Settlement Date |
Control Groups |
Control Variate Technique |
Convection - Dominance |
Convenience Sample |
Convenience Yield |
Conventional Bond |
Conventions - Business Days |
Conventions - Day Count |
Conventions - Day Fractions |
Convergence |
Conversion Factor - Convertible Bonds |
Conversion Parity - Convertible Bonds |
Conversion Premium |
Conversion Price |
Conversion Ratio - Convertible Bonds |
Conversion Value - Convertible Bonds |
Convertible |
Convertible Arbitrage |
Convertible Bonds |
Convertible Bonds - Conversion Value |
Convertible Bonds - Parity |
Convertible Currency |
Convertible Gilts |
Convertible Quanto Note |
Convertible Rate FRN |
Convertibles |
Converting Discount Rates to Yields |
Convex Analysis |
Convex Geometry |
Convexity - Bonds |
Convexity - Dollar |
Convexity - Measuring |
Convexity Adjustment |
Convexity Bias |
Convexity Gain |
Convexity Values |
Convexity Yield Trade Off |
Convolution |
Cooperative Banks |
Coordinate Geometry |
Coprime Number |
Copula |
Copulas |
Core Consumer Price Inflation |
Core Tier 1 Capital |
Corporate Action - Acquisition |
Corporate Action - Buy Back |
Corporate Action - Merger |
Corporate Action - Rights Issue |
Corporate Action - Spin Off |
Corporate Action - Stock Split |
Corporate Actions |
Corporate Bonds |
Corporate Cross Holdings |
Corporate Debt |
Corporate Finance |
Corporate Governance |
Corporate Loans |
Corporate Paper |
Corporation Loans |
Corporation Tax |
CORREL - Excel Function |
Correlated T-Test |
Correlation |
Correlation Coefficient |
Correlation Coefficient - Pearson |
Correlation Coefficient - Product Moment |
Correlation Coefficient - Rho |
Correlation Coefficient - Spearman |
Correlation Matrix |
Correlation Products |
Corridor Swaps |
Cos |
Cost of Borrowing |
Cost of Capital |
Cost of Carry |
Cost of Debt |
Cost of Equity |
Cost of Finds Index |
Cost of Lending |
Costing Methods |
Cotangent |
Counter Currency |
CounterParty |
Counterparty Credit Risk (CCR) |
CounterParty Risk |
Counterparty SSI |
Country of Risk |
COUPDAYBS - Excel Function |
COUPDAYS - Excel Function |
COUPDAYSNC - Excel Function |
COUPNCD - Excel Function |
COUPNUM - Excel Function |
Coupon |
Coupon - Zero |
Coupon Bearing Bonds |
Coupon Dates |
Coupon Payments |
Coupon Payments - Bond Futures |
Coupon Payments - Bond Pricing |
Coupon Payments - Certificates Of Deposit |
Coupon Payments - COUPDAYBS Function |
Coupon Payments - COUPDAYS Function |
Coupon Payments - COUPDAYSNC Function |
Coupon Payments - COUPNCD Function |
Coupon Payments - COUPNUM Function |
Coupon Payments - COUPPCD Function |
Coupon Payments - Irregular Periods |
Coupon Payments - Repurchase Agreement |
Coupon Payments - Security Lending |
Coupon Rate |
Coupon Reset Formula |
Coupon Stripping |
Coupon Strips |
Coupon Swaps |
Coupon Type |
Coupon Yield Curve |
Coupons |
Coupons - Bonds |
COUPPCD - Excel Function |
Coutts & Co |
COVAR - Excel Function |
Covariance |
Covariance Matrix |
Covenants |
Covenants - Bonds |
Covenants - Eurobonds |
Covenants - Loans |
Cover |
Covered Bond |
Covered Bonds - Contractual |
Covered Bonds - Legislative |
Covered Bonds - Structural |
Covered Call |
Covered Call Option |
Covered Call Writing |
Covered Fund |
Covered Interest Rate Arbitrage |
Covered Put |
Covered Put Option |
Covered Warrant |
Covered Writing |
Cox Ingersoll Ross Model |
Cox Ross Rubinstein Model |
CP (Commercial Paper) |
CPDO (Constant Proportion Debt Obligation) |
CPI (Consumer Price Index) |
CPI Inflation Rate |
CPR (Constant Prepayment Rate) |
CQF (Certified Quantitative Finance) |
CQF Exam / Certificate |
CQS Hedge Fund |
Crank Nicholson |
CrashMetrics |
Crawling Peg |
Credit - Agencies |
Credit - Analysis |
Credit - Control |
Credit - Curve Yield Spreads |
Credit - Derivatives |
Credit - Enhancements |
Credit - Event |
Credit - Events |
Credit - Exposure |
Credit - Exposure |
Credit - Flow Analytics |
Credit - Gamma |
Credit - Hybrids |
Credit - Indices |
Credit - Limits |
Credit - Lines |
Credit - Linked Note (CLN) |
Credit - Municipals |
Credit - Options |
Credit - Risk |
Credit - Securitised Products |
Credit - Seniority |
Credit - Spread |
Credit - Spread Bond |
Credit - Spread Option |
Credit - Spread Swap |
Credit - Swaps |
Credit - Tranches |
Credit - Vega |
Credit - Volatility |
Credit Curves |
Credit Default Index Swap (CDIS) |
Credit Default Index Swap Option |
Credit Default Risk |
Credit Default Swap (CDS) |
Credit Default Swap on a Basket |
Credit Default Swap Options |
Credit Index - CDX |
Credit Index - ITRAXX |
Credit Linked Note (CLN) |
Credit Markets |
Credit Rate Transfer (CRT) |
Credit Ratings |
Credit Risk |
Credit Risk Modelling |
Credit Score |
Credit Scoring Models |
Credit Spread |
Credit Spread - CDS |
Credit Spread - Government Bonds |
Credit Spread - Interest Rate Swaps |
Credit Spread - Zero Volatility |
Credit Spread Option |
Credit Support Annex (CSA) |
Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA) |
Credit Value Adjustment VaR (CVA VAR) |
Credit Watch |
Credit Yield - Bonds |
Credit Yield - Options |
CreditMetrics |
Creditors |
Creditors - Order of Repayment |
Critical Parameter Value |
Critical Path Analysis |
Critical Value |
Cross Currency (XCCY) |
Cross Currency Basis Spread |
Cross Currency Basis Swaps (CCBS) |
Cross Currency Bermudan Swaption |
Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap |
Cross Currency Repo |
Cross Currency Settlement |
Cross Currency Swap (CCS) |
Cross Market Spreads |
Cross Over Rate |
Cross Rate Forwards |
Cross Rates |
Cross Shareholdings |
Cross Trade |
Cross-Currency Asset Swap |
Crossover - Bonds |
Crossover Rate |
CRR (Conditional Repayment Rate) |
CRR (Cox Rox and Rubinstein) |
CRT (Credit Rate Transfer) |
CSA (Credit Support Annex) |
CSA Discounting |
CSD (Central Securities Depository) |
CSO - Synthetic CDO |
CTD (Cheapest to Deliver) |
CTD Bond |
CTD Curve (Cheapest to Deliver Curve) |
CTD Model - Intrinsic |
Cubic Spline Interpolation |
Cum Dividend |
Cum Dividend Date |
CUMIPMT - Excel Function |
CUMPRINC - Excel Function |
Cumulative |
Cumulative Default Probability |
Cumulative Distribution |
Cumulative Distribution Function |
Cumulative Forward |
Cumulative Frequency |
Cumulative Frequency Plot |
Cumulative Normal Distribution Function |
Cumulative Percentage Frequency |
Cumulative Probability |
Cumulative Probability Distribution |
Cumulative Reverse |
Currencies |
Currencies - All Countries |
Currencies - Asset |
Currencies - Base |
Currencies - Dollar |
Currencies - Euro |
Currencies - FX |
Currencies - GBP |
Currencies - Hard |
Currencies - INR |
Currencies - JPY |
Currencies - Local |
Currencies - Metical |
Currencies - Minor |
Currencies - MXN |
Currencies - Pound |
Currencies - Renminbi |
Currencies - RUB |
Currencies - Rupee |
Currencies - Settlement |
Currencies - Soft |
Currencies - Sterling |
Currencies - Term |
Currencies - Yuan |
Currency Basis Swap |
Currency Collar Option |
Currency Convertibles |
Currency Coupon Swaps |
Currency Derivatives |
Currency Forwards |
Currency Forwards - Short Dated |
Currency Futures |
Currency Market |
Currency Note |
Currency Options |
Currency Pair - EUR/GBP |
Currency Pair - EUR/USD |
Currency Pair - GBP/USD |
Currency Pair - TRY/JPY |
Currency Pair - USD/JPY |
Currency Risk |
Currency Swaps |
Currency Translated Options |
Currency Warrants |
Current EPS |
Current Yield |
Curvature |
Curve Fitting |
Curves - Basis |
Curves - Bell |
Curves - Bonos |
Curves - BTP |
Curves - Building |
Curves - Cheapest To Deliver |
Curves - Delta |
Curves - Different Approaches |
Curves - Discount |
Curves - Flat |
Curves - Forward |
Curves - Gamma |
Curves - Humped |
Curves - Interest Rates |
Curves - Inverted |
Curves - Kaplan-Meier Survival |
Curves - Overnight |
Curves - Par |
Curves - Par Yield |
Curves - Rising |
Curves - Rolling |
Curves - Sector |
Curves - Smoothing |
Curves - Spot |
Curves - Steepener |
Curves - Steepening |
Curves - Volatility |
Curves - Yield |
Curves - Yield to Maturity |
Curves - Yield to Worst |
Curvilinear Monotonic Relationships |
Custodian* |
CVA (Credit Valuation Adjustment) |
CVA VAR (Credit Value Adjustment VaR) |
Cyclical Stock |
Cycling Dates |
Cycloid |
Cylinder |
Cylinder Options |