E Notation |
EAD (Exposure at Default) |
EAR (Effective Annual Rate) |
Early Exercise |
Early Exercise - American Options |
Earnings |
Earnings Management |
Earnings Per Share (EPS) |
Earnings Yield |
EAY (Effective Annual Yield) |
EBF (European Bankers Federation) |
EBF Euro Repo |
ECB (European Central Bank) |
Echelon Matrix |
ECM (Equity Capital Markets) |
ECN (Electronic Communication Network) |
ECN (Extendible Commerical Note) |
Econometrics |
Economic Exposure |
Economic Growth |
Economic Theories |
Economic Value |
Economics - Macro |
Economics - Micro |
Economy - Developed |
Economy - Emerging |
ECP (Euro Commercial Paper) |
ECSB (European System of Central Banks) |
ECU (European Currency Unit) |
EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) |
EDF (EuroDollar Future) |
Edgeworth Binomial Tree |
Edgeworth Distribution |
Edgeworth Option Valuation |
EDR (Euro Depository Receipt) |
EDSP (Exchange Delivery Settlement Price) |
EDT (Equity Derivatives Technology) |
EFFECT - Excel Function |
Effect Size |
Effective Annual Rate (EAR) |
Effective Annual Yield (EAY) |
Effective Date |
Effective Descriptive Set Theory |
Effective Duration |
Effective Exchange Rate |
Effective Interest Rate |
Effective Par Rate |
Effective Rate |
Effective Rate Basis |
Effective Yield |
Efficient Frontier |
Efficient Frontier - HL |
Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) |
Efficient Markets |
Efficient Portfolios |
EFP (Exchange For Physical) |
EFS (Equity Fund Structured) |
EFSF (European Financial Stability Facility) |
EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) |
EFT (Exchange Traded Fund) |
EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting) |
EGX 30 Index |
EIB (European Investment Bank) |
Eigenvalues - Matrix |
Eigenvectors - Matrix |
Eikon Excel Add-in |
Einsteins Theory |
Elasticity - Greeks |
Electronic Communication Network (ECN) |
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) |
Electronic Public Offering |
Elementary Algebra |
Elementary Arithmetic |
Elementary Mathematics |
Elementary Matrix Operations |
Eligible Bill |
Elimination Theory |
Elliott Waves |
Elliptic Function |
Elliptic Geometry |
ELN (Equity Linked Note) |
Embedded Options |
Embedded Options - Bonds |
Embedded Options - Call Feature |
Embedded Options - Swaps |
EMBI (Emerging Market Bond Index) |
EMEA (Europe Middle East Africa) |
Emerging Economy |
Emerging Market Bond Index (EMBI) |
Emerging Market Currencies |
Emerging Markets |
EMH (Efficient Market Hypothesis) |
Emissions |
EMMI (European Money Markets Institute) |
Empirical Distribution |
Empirical Evidence |
Empirical Model |
Empirical Probability |
Empirical Research |
Employee Stock Options (ESOs) |
Empty Set |
EMS (European Monetary System) |
EMS (Execution Management System) |
EMU (European Monetary Union) |
EN - Exchange |
End to End |
End User Computing (EUC) |
Endowment Mortgage |
Endowment Policy |
Energy Derivatives |
Energy Options |
Enhanced Beta |
Enterprise Risk Management Framework |
Entity |
Enumerative Combinatorics |
Enumerative Geometry |
EONIA (Euro OverNight Index Average) |
EP (Economic Profit) |
EP versus DCF |
Episode |
EPO (Electronic Public Offering) |
EPS (Earnings Per Share) |
Epsilon |
Equalizing Ratio |
Equations - Closed Form |
Equations - First Order |
Equations - Fokker Planck |
Equations - Kolmogorov Forward |
Equations - Linear |
Equations - Non Linear |
Equations - Numerical Approximation |
Equations - Second Order |
Equations - Simple Pendulum |
Equations - Solving Analytically |
Equations - Solving Graphically |
Equations - Third Order |
Equities |
Equities - Collar |
Equities - Collar Strategies |
Equities - Common |
Equities - Convertible |
Equities - Credit |
Equities - Cyclical Stock |
Equities - Defensive Stock |
Equities - Financing |
Equities - Futures |
Equities - Index Futures |
Equities - Index Options |
Equities - Index Swaps |
Equities - Options |
Equities - Proxy Bond |
Equities - Sales |
Equities - Security |
Equities - Stock |
Equities - Swaps |
Equities - Syndicate |
Equities - Trading |
Equity |
Equity - Preferred |
Equity Derivatives |
Equity Derivatives Technology (EDT) |
Equity Forward |
Equity Fund Structured (EFS) |
Equity Future |
Equity Indices |
Equity Indices - ASX All Ordinaries |
Equity Indices - BATS UK 100 |
Equity Indices - BATS UK 250 |
Equity Indices - CAC 40 |
Equity Indices - DAX 30 |
Equity Indices - Dow Jones |
Equity Indices - EGX 30 |
Equity Indices - FTSE |
Equity Indices - FTSE 100 |
Equity Indices - FTSE 250 |
Equity Indices - FTSE AIM All Share |
Equity Indices - FTSE All Share |
Equity Indices - FTSE Eurofirst 300 |
Equity Indices - Hang Seng |
Equity Indices - Nasdaq |
Equity Indices - Nasdaq Composite |
Equity Indices - Nikkei 225 |
Equity Indices - Russell 3000 |
Equity Indices - S&P 500 |
Equity Indices - Shanghai Composite |
Equity Indices - Standard & Poors |
Equity Indices - Xetra DAX |
Equity Linked Bonds |
Equity Linked Derivatives |
Equity Linked Note (ELN) |
Equity Linked Structured Notes |
Equity Long/Short Bias |
Equity Option |
Equity Premium |
Equity Single Name Swaps |
Equity Swap |
Equity Teir One Ratio |
Equity Tranche |
Equivalent Annual Yield |
Equivalent Coupon Yield |
Equivalent Interest Rate |
Equivalent Life |
Equivalent Martingale Measures |
Equivalent Rate |
Equivalent Securities |
Equivalent Yield - Bond |
ERA (Exchange Rate Agreement) |
Ergodic Theory |
Erlang Distribution |
ERM (Exchange Rate Mechanism) |
Errors |
ESM (European Stability Mechanism) |
Estimated Standard Deviation |
Estimated Variance |
Estimating Beta Coefficents |
Estimating Binomial Distribution with Normal |
Estimating Poisson Distribution with Normal |
Estimator |
Eta |
ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) |
ETFF (Exchange Traded Fund Futures) |
ETN (Exchange Traded Note) |
ETO (Exchange Traded Option) |
eTrading |
EU (European Union) |
EUC (End User Computing) |
Euclidean Space |
Euler Allocations |
EUR Gamma |
Eurepo |
Eurex |
EUREX Asset Swaps |
Euribor Futures |
Euribor Options |
Euro |
Euro Base Rates |
Euro Bonds |
Euro Bund Future |
Euro Commercial Paper (ECP) |
Euro Cross Rates |
Euro Currency |
Euro Depository Receipt (EDR) |
Euro Dollar Basis Swap Rate |
Euro Euribor |
Euro Interbank Deposit |
Euro Libor |
Euro Market |
Euro Overnight Index Average (EONIA) |
Euro Stoxx 300 |
Euro Stoxx 50 |
Euro Stoxx Banks Index |
Euro Swap Curve |
Euro US Dollar Basis Swap Rate |
EuroBond |
EuroCurrencies |
EuroCurrency |
EuroDollar |
EuroDollar Curve (ED Curve) |
EuroDollar Future (EDF) |
EuroDollar Futures Contract |
EuroDollar Interest Rate |
EuroDollar LIBOR |
EuroDollar Markets |
EuroDollar Options |
Eurodollars |
Euromark LIBOR |
EuroMarket |
Euronext.Liffe |
EuroNote |
European Bankers Federation (EBF) |
European Central Bank (ECB) |
European Covered Bond Market |
European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) |
European Investment Bank (EIB) |
European Market Infrastructure Regulation |
European Monetary System (EMS) |
European Monetary Union (EMU) |
European Money Markets Institute (EMMI) |
European Options |
European Options - Coupon Bond |
European Options - Monte Carlo |
European Options - Pricing |
European Options - Zero Coupon Bond |
European PMIs |
European Securitisation Forum |
European Stability Mechanism (ESM) |
European Swaption |
European System of Central Banks (ECSB) |
European Union (EU) |
EuroPound |