Returns the number of visible non blank cells that satisfies multiple conditions.
* This function excludes hidden cells.
* You can use the COUNTIFS function to include hidden cells.
* For instructions on how to add a function to a workbook refer to the page under Inserting Functions
* The equivalent JavaScript function is COUNTVISIBLEIFS
Public Function COUNTVISIBLEIFS( _
ByVal rgeCountRange As Range, _
ParamArray avCriteriaAndRanges() As Variant) As Single
Dim avCriterias() As Range
Dim asCriterias() As String
Dim icriteriacount As Integer
Dim rgeCriteria As Range
Dim sCriteria As String
Dim iitemcount As Integer
Dim lrowno As Long
Dim lmatch As Long
Dim arsngvalues() As Single
Dim sngmedian As Single
Dim bsorted As Boolean
Dim vcell As Range
Dim vcellvalue As Variant
Application.Volatile (True)
If UBound(avCriteriaAndRanges, 1) Mod 2 > 0 Then
'not the correct amount of arguments
End If
ReDim avCriterias(UBound(avCriteriaAndRanges, 1))
ReDim asCriterias(UBound(avCriteriaAndRanges, 1))
icriteriacount = 1
For iitemcount = 0 To UBound(avCriteriaAndRanges, 1) Step 2
If TypeName(avCriteriaAndRanges(iitemcount)) = "Range" Then
Set rgeCriteria = avCriteriaAndRanges(iitemcount)
End If
If TypeName(avCriteriaAndRanges(iitemcount + 1)) = "String" Then
sCriteria = CStr(avCriteriaAndRanges(iitemcount + 1))
End If
Set avCriterias(icriteriacount - 1) = rgeCriteria
asCriterias(icriteriacount - 1) = sCriteria
icriteriacount = icriteriacount + 1
Next iitemcount
ReDim Preserve avCriterias(icriteriacount - 2)
ReDim Preserve asCriterias(icriteriacount - 2)
For lrowno = 1 To rgeCriteria.Rows.Count
Set vcell = rgeCriteria.Parent.Cells(rgeCriteria.Row + lrowno - 1, rgeCountRange.Column)
vcellvalue = rgeCriteria.Parent.Cells(rgeCriteria.Row + lrowno - 1, rgeCountRange.Column).Value
If Row_MatchesAllCriteria(lrowno, avCriterias, asCriterias) = True And _
vcell.EntireRow.Hidden = False Then
lmatch = lmatch + 1
End If
If lmatch > 0 And IsEmpty(vcellvalue) = True Then Exit For
Next lrowno
End Function
Public Function Row_MatchesAllCriteria(ByVal lrowno As Long, _
ByVal vArrayCriteria As Variant, _
ByVal sArrayCriteria As Variant) As Boolean
Dim avCriterias() As Range
Dim asCriterias() As String
Dim rgeCriteria As Range
Dim sCriteria As String
Dim iitemcount As Integer
Dim bmatch As Boolean
Dim iconditioncolno As Integer
Dim icriteriacount As Integer
ReDim avCriterias(UBound(vArrayCriteria, 1))
ReDim asCriterias(UBound(sArrayCriteria, 1))
For iitemcount = 0 To UBound(vArrayCriteria, 1)
If TypeName(vArrayCriteria(iitemcount)) = "Range" Then
Set rgeCriteria = vArrayCriteria(iitemcount)
End If
If TypeName(sArrayCriteria(iitemcount)) = "String" Then
sCriteria = CStr(sArrayCriteria(iitemcount))
End If
Set avCriterias(iitemcount) = rgeCriteria
asCriterias(iitemcount) = sCriteria
Next iitemcount
bmatch = True
For icriteriacount = 0 To UBound(avCriterias, 1)
iconditioncolno = avCriterias(icriteriacount).Column
Dim tempCondition As String
Dim tempCellValue As String
tempCondition = asCriterias(icriteriacount)
'check the symbol and add the default equals if not there
If ((Left(tempCondition, 1) <> "<") And _
(Left(tempCondition, 1) <> ">")) Then
If (Left(tempCondition, 1) <> "=") Then tempCondition = "=" & tempCondition
End If
tempCellValue = avCriterias(icriteriacount).Parent.Cells(avCriterias(icriteriacount).Row + lrowno - 1, iconditioncolno).Value
If (Criteria_Check(tempCondition, tempCellValue) = True) Then
bmatch = False
End If
Next icriteriacount
Row_MatchesAllCriteria = bmatch
End Function
Public Function Criteria_Check(ByVal sCriteria As String, _
ByVal sValue As String) As Boolean
If ((InStr(sCriteria, "*") > 0) And (InStr(sCriteria, "~*") = 0)) Or _
((InStr(sCriteria, "?") > 0) And (InStr(sCriteria, "~?") = 0)) Then
If (Left(sCriteria, 1) = "=") Then sCriteria = Right(sCriteria, Len(sCriteria) - 1)
Criteria_Check = (sValue Like sCriteria)
Exit Function
End If
If (Left(sCriteria, 1) = "=") Then
Criteria_Check = (sValue = Right(sCriteria, Len(sCriteria) - 1))
Exit Function
End If
If (Left(sCriteria, 1) = ">") And _
(Left(sCriteria, 2) <> ">=") Then
Criteria_Check = (CSng(sValue) > CSng(Right(sCriteria, Len(sCriteria) - 1)))
Exit Function
End If
If (Left(sCriteria, 1) = "<") And _
(Left(sCriteria, 2) <> "<=") And (Left(sCriteria, 2) <> "<>") Then
Criteria_Check = (CSng(sValue) < CSng(Right(sCriteria, Len(sCriteria) - 1)))
Exit Function
End If
If (Left(sCriteria, 2) = ">=") Then
Criteria_Check = (CSng(sValue) >= CSng(Right(sCriteria, Len(sCriteria) - 2)))
Exit Function
End If
If (Left(sCriteria, 2) = "<=") Then
Criteria_Check = (CSng(sValue) <= CSng(Right(sCriteria, Len(sCriteria) - 2)))
Exit Function
End If
If (Left(sCriteria, 2) = "<>") Then
Criteria_Check = (CSng(sValue) <> CSng(Right(sCriteria, Len(sCriteria) - 2)))
Exit Function
End If
Criteria_Check = sValue Like sCriteria
End Function
![]() |
You can use SUBTOTAL with 103 to achieve this
You can use AGGREGATE with 3 to achieve this
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